Bedrock Moderation Tools

The bedrock moderation tools are a set of behavior packs that I created to help server moderators and admins play Minecraft and still have the tools they need to moderate without the need for access to cheats or creative on their accounts. For several moderators i know access to cheats kills the world for them. This should help.
More info is available in the Wiki.

1.20.30 Install

Due to a bug in 1.20.30 you must install 2 packs, one to trigger access to the menues, and the other to actually have the menues pop up. For this you need the GUI pack as linked below then one of the two other packs.

Auto Start pack

This pack triggers a set of commands to run on world load giving the first player to join 1 stick and the tag root allowing them to add other player permission. If you are on a single player world this will give the “single player player” root, that means when you move it to a server nobody will have root. This needs to be considered when setting up a world.

Manual start pack

This trigger pack will not do anything on first join, nobody will have any tags, tags will need to be added with the following command

/tag PLAYERNAME add root

The tagged player then can set up all of the rest of the settings. this works well on servers when you can type commands into the console


The bug that causes the packs to be split up is fixed in 1.20.40, when that drops you can use this version. check back for updates. i may add some new stuff to the pack in time.

Auto start

This pack triggers a set of commands to run on world load giving the first player to join 1 stick and the tag root allowing them to add other player permission. If you are on a single player world this will give the “single player player” root, that means when you move it to a server nobody will have root. This needs to be considered when setting up a world.

Manual start

This pack will not do anything on first join, nobody will have any tags, tags will need to be added with the following command

/tag PLAYERNAME add root

The tagged player then can set up all of the rest of the settings. this works well on servers when you can type commands into the console

Source Code

The pack is opensource and available under the MIT license this means you can use it, distribute it and modify it any way you like. There is no commitment to service this pack on my behalf and i am not liable for any issues that occur.